DScaler Adaptive Method

This method uses the amount of motion detected to select the best deinterlacing alogoritm.á Currently by default it switches between 2-Frame and weave.

Setting Default Description
Low Motion Field Count 4 Number of times low motion must be detected in a row before switching to low motion mode.
Static Image Field Count 100 Number of times a static image must be detected in a row before switching to static image mode.
Static Image Mode Weave Mode to use for static images.
Low Motion Mode Two Frame Mode to use for low motion video.
High Motion Mode Two Frame Mode to use for high motion video.
Adaptive Threshold 3:2 Pulldown 15 Threshold difference result for image to be considered static.
Adaptive Threshold 3:2 Pulldown Mismatch 900 Threshold difference result for image to be considered low motion.